10 ways to lead yourself to a happier place in life

A happier life often seems to be associated with attaining as many things— money, approvals, titles, the latest gadget your neighbor has— as you possibly can. Happiness also appears as if it has much to do with gaining status and acceptance in society according to most young people.

And that simply explains why most people aren’t happy.

True happiness is a state of mind; it comes from within. When you get into the habit of seeking happiness from sources outside of you, you tend to rely on that those things to make you happy. And it is at those times when that source is not available or unattainable that you end up unhappy and angry.

Like many people, I’ve gone through some major changes in the last few years. I’ve had a comfortable cushion removed from under my bony bottom—a cozy sinecure that provided a steady, fat income, easy lifestyle and a seemingly secure future. But who was I fooling? Just me, it turned out.

In times like these, insecurity, frustration, stress and even depression tend to crowd in, and some of us tend to brood for a longer time. I chose to shake it off and one step that really made me realize was when I tried to align myself with genuinely happy people. I observed that they have a simple, transparent system and pattern in place to be happy.

These are a few ways that happy people adopt—it can perhaps help you to sail through tough times as well. I keep coming back to read this and remind myself every time I feel out of sorts.

Feel happy, feel fulfilled.

  1. Stop worrying, if something were meant to happen it will.
  2. Stop trying to fit in with everybody
  3. Beginnings are more exciting. Be a beginner, soon you will be an expert.
  4. Setbacks are opportunities for growth.
  5. Expose yourself to new environments and places.
  6. Never resist change
  7. Let go of your attachment to things.
  8. Do someone good
  9. Miracles do exist. Believe in them.
  10. Stop comparing yourself to others

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